Submission: 12103 | Submission Type: Symposium (Panel)
Program Session: 757 | Submitting sponsor(s): ODC, STR, TIM | Accepting sponsor(s): ODC, STR, TIM
Orientation: International, Practice, Research, Theme: Innovating for the Future
Scheduled: Sunday, Aug 11 2024 11:30AM - 1:00PM at Marriott Chicago Downtown - Magnificent Mile in Northwestern
Purpose-Driven Strategic Renewal, Open Innovation & Generative Change: Models, Governance, Practice
Scheduling Requests: None
 Unprecedented challenges of disruptive technologies, climate change and social crises, as well as stakeholder disorientation, call for a re-evaluation of organizational capabilities, growth priorities, and the way organizations change and innovate for the future. Established companies face a sharp increase of exploration and exploitation tensions and the need for renewal of business practice, models, and governance is existential. In these conditions, examples of high-growth companies place the corporate purpose central to their strategy and innovation, leveraging it to restructure playing fields and value propositions (Knowles & Hunsacker, 2022; Malnight et al., 2019), to catalyze systematic change (Henderson, 2021), to serve multiple stakeholders’ interests (Battilana et al., 2022), and to radically reinvent themselves (Binns, O’Reilly & Tushman, 2022). In continuation of the AOM2023 symposium “Purpose-driven Innovation and Transformation” and building on existing and emerging empirical research, the aim of this symposium is to deepen the discussion and explore the under-researched role of corporate purpose in the specific fields of strategic renewal, generative change as well as groundbreaking and collaborative innovation. For a insightful and lively debate on these topics, we invited leading experts in organizational transformation and evolution, strategic renewal, disruptive and open innovation, visionary leadership, and ambidexterity. The members of the panel have academic as well as practitioner backgrounds and experiences.
Additional Info:
Special Info:
Albena Björck, ZHAW School of Management and Law

 Panelist: Michael L. Tushman, Harvard U.
  Panelist: Henk W. Volberda, Amsterdam Business School, U. of Amsterdam
  Panelist: Alberto Di Minin, National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC)
  Panelist: Gervase R. Bushe, Beedie School of Business Simon Fraser U.
  Session Chair: Albena Björck, ZHAW School of Management and Law
  Session Chair: Johanna E. Pregmark, Chalmers U. of Technology
  Organizer: Gianluca Gionfriddo, Institute of Management, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa
  Organizer: Tobias Fredberg, Chalmers U. of Technology

Submitted: 12/22/2023 10:20:00 AM
Uploaded: 12/22/2023 10:40:11 AM. Revised: 12/22/2023 10:50:11 AM
Finalized: 12/22/2023 10:52:24 AM
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